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I have been asked many times during Novell BrainShare for examples of how Novells Identity, Security and Access Management products will integrate with Novell ZENworks – our cross platform management solution.

One example I have been giving is that of a customer looking to deploy a new Line of Business application – typically a complex multi-tiered client-middleware-database infrastructure.

Written at: BrainShare 2006, Salt Lake City, UT

The non-Novell way of doing this is to deliver an application to the desktop; create user identities within the new application – and give the end user another login and password to remember. Certainly not a good experience for the user; and not cost effective for the enterprise.

Using Novell Identity Management solutions you see a very different story. ZENworks can deliver the client application components to the desktop – cleanly and consistently; Novell SecureLogin can enable Enterprise Single Sign-on to the application; and Novell Identity Manager can provision the correct users, their password and their credentials into the identity store for the application.

The differences are striking. Lowered costs of deployment, increased agility, less challenges for the helpdesk during deployment – and ultimately a simple experience for the user – just click on the application icon and it ‘just works’.

This is another real-world example of how Novell is integrating solutions – from security, access, identity and resource management.

Let me know how you are dealing with these challenges.

Written at: BrainShare 2006, Salt Lake City, UT