Several articles on this blog have referred to the Cool Solutions Wiki –
If you have not used a Wiki before – you may wonder what this weird and wonderful sounding thing actually is.
I’ll try and give some background – and finish with a plea for content!
Written at: Toronto, ON, Canada
Put simply (again – quoting Wikipedia – itself a wiki)
A wiki (IPA: [‘wi??.ki??] or [‘w?.ki??] [1]) is a type of website that allows users to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit all content, very quickly and easily, sometimes without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative writing. The term wiki is a shortened form of wiki wiki which is from the native language of Hawaii (Hawaiian), where it is commonly used as an adjective to denote something “quick” or “fast”.
The Cool Solutions Wiki is a central spot for all of that ‘other important information’ that should be shared across the community. Sometimes created by Novell people; most often by you – our customers, partners and developers.
The content is as good as the community. Like one large ‘pot luck meal’ – if we all bring something good we’ll have a feast. The vast majority of wiki sites become the body of knowledge for the broader community – I’ve already plugged Wikipedia – but other sites as diverse as the WordPress Codex to Science of Spectroscopy use the Wiki structure to facilitate rapid and broad information sharing.
Sounds like a public information film eh? All very co-operative and liberal.
Take a look at the Novell Cool Solutions Wiki – and think for a moment. Do you have a morsel of information that can be shared? Can you spare a minute or two to jot it down.
I’ll especially plug the ZENworks part of the site – I’m just writing a lab guide or ‘Cook Book‘ on ZENworks 7 Linux Management. I’ve also created a ‘Call for Content‘ – where you can take the lead and start sharing your information. It’s a work in progress; a living body of documentation.
Let me know your comments, feedback and whether the Cool Solutions Wiki is useful. I’ll see if I can whistle up some ‘Evil ZEN Scientist’ T-shirts for the best few articles that get written as a result of this post. Bribery always works.
Written at: Toronto, ON, Canada
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