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I blogged on Novell Cool Blogs about doing an interview at Novell Open Audio.

The email invitation looked a little like this:

From: openaudio openaudio
To: openaudio openaudio;  Martin Buckley;  Michael Douglas Pearson;  Ted Haeger
Date: 14/Jun/06
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Subject: ZENworks 7 SP1
Place: Podcast Studio, 8th floor behind the mens room

Prep and Interview

The Novell Open Audio Crew

Behind the mens room? Nice.

I rolled up to Ted Haegers office – you can see him hard at work here:


[Ted used to be a Park Service Ranger – that’s why he’s in marketing.. I think]

The studio itself is pretty good – nice hardware; sound absorbing foam on some of the walls; no noise from the mens room..

And comfy chairs…


This is Ted’s script. More like a cheat sheet – it’s got the hard questions from listeners and readers on it.


The interview itself was good fun – we managed to give Michael our sound engineer some hard times with a bag of Doritos.

You can listen to the recording on Novell Open Audio – it should be posted this week.