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July looks like the worst month so far for spam. So far – with about a week to go:

Spam per month (all years together - in development: display only for current year)

Total in January:    Ham: 924 	Spam: 1666
Total in February:   Ham: 1454 	Spam: 1836
Total in March:      Ham: 1843 	Spam: 2474
Total in April:      Ham: 1812 	Spam: 2965
Total in May:        Ham: 4549 	Spam: 3269
Total in June:       Ham: 2010 	Spam: 5628
Total in July:       Ham: 1559 	Spam: 8595

That shows almost a 100% jump in spam in July. Admittedly – I did turn on bayesian filtering in May (lots of bad filtering as you can see) – but the number of spam is just climbing every month.

Spam filtering via SpamAssassin.