HP aquired Novadigm.
Altiris acquired Previo, Computing Edge, Wise, FSLogic, Bridgewater Tonic and Pedestal.
Symantec have aquired Ghost, Powerquest and On Technologies.
Novell aquired Ximian and Tally Systems.
LANDesk was aquired by Avocent.
Microsoft aquired Softricity and Desktop Standard.
Now Symantec have spent again and announced the intent to acquire Altiris.
And I would add Veritas and bindview to aquired by Symantec list as well.
I tried to focus on end point security and ccm – but yes Symantec have acquired a lot more.
If I wanted to make the list broader I would also include a lot of the IBM acquisitions – as well as Marimba being acquired by BMC.