Get up at 0400 Friday; final glance at email, get ready, check out and head to Changi Airport in Singapore.
Check in, security and a spot of shopping. Ready to board and depart ontime at 0655 local time.
Fly from Singapore to Hong Kong.
More security, more shopping, spend some time in the United Airlines Lounge. Board and depart ontime for 1240 departure local time.
Fly from Hong Hong to San Francisco. About four hours into the flight we cross the International Date Line.
Arrive in a foggy San Francisco an hour early – at around 0730 – Friday morning. Miss the early flight to SLC.
More security. No shopping. Collapse in the United Lounge. Get on my flight for Salt Lake City ontime at 1100.
Arrive home at just after 1300. Still Friday.
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