Somehow my PGP passphrase got corrupted; there’s no way back.
PGP support tried – but my brick of a laptop needs a rebuild.
I was disappointed at how seemingly fragile the passphrase piece is; the support guy at PGP said he’d never seen it before.
Back to a new build; if it happens again I’ll be somewhat upset..
Why aren’t you running SLED? No PGP to worry about there. You could natively encrypt your home directory with SLED.
I was using whole disk encryption; it’s a lot cleaner with PGP than with using the encryption with ext3 or reiser.
Also – I have applications that need Windows.
Finally – I run Vista so I can talk to customers about their own plans and experience with this new platform.
Since you’re already running Vista, I’d recommend switching to BitLocker Drive Encryption. You can create a recovery password on a removable USB or escrow it to AD.
Dr Vic
Ah – we’ve talked about this on IM.
I’ll certainly try it on my other Vista box – I think Mrs Evil ZEN Scientist is due for an upgrade soon 🙂