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Finally I got to re-rack and power up the servers after the move (that’s another post!)

Obviously being offline for a few weeks meant that there were updates to be applied.

One nice update that was available is the new version of WPG2 – the integration of WordPress and Gallery 2. The project is here

WPG2 was updated to version 3.0.6 – which integrates with the new security model (password hashing) of WordPress 2.5. The update has been a few months in the works – kudos to ozgreg and the rest of the hackers on getting this out of the door.

I did the double upgrade to WordPress 2.5.1 and WPG2 3.0.6 – and so far everything is looking great on the main family blog site.

I’ll let this sit for a few days – and then update the other sites.