Never a dull moment watching Systems Management.
I remember talking with Ronni Colville from Gartner in early 2000 about how what was then known as “Enterprise Software Distribution” would always keep evolving – but would never really change.
Today the challenges are many – mobility, bandwidth, expectations of users, privacy, security, compliance – all tied into a real budget squeeze.
At the same time there is a continuing trend towards consolidation.
In the past week or so we have seen Configuresoft, Solidcore and most recently Cassatt be acquired.
My gut feeling – most of the virtualisation management, run-book automation and niche players will be gone by year end.
A wave of smaller ISVs are rising to replace them. I’ve met with some great new talent in this space – and just as I discussed with Ronni in 2000 – it’s still the same problem to solve.
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