Gallery is undergoing a major revision.
Gallery v3 is in beta right now – I expect it will be RC then released by the end of the year.
Couple of things to look at here on the migration from Gallery 2:
- migration of hundreds of thousands of photos from G2 to G3
- permissions
- post-migration clean-up
- storage and CPU churn
The other set of updates is around WordPress itself.
Three interesting updates – first WordPress 2.9 is going to go beta soon; release in maybe December. That’s going to need some poking and investigating. I’ve already found a couple of changes in alpha that break some plugins.
The other WordPress change that I’m going to look at is the merge of WordPress MU into WordPress core; also the new features of BuddyPress on top of WordPress (MU or core).
The BuddyPress/WPMU will let me offer multiple blogs to Rachael’s cubs and other leaders.
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