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More to come on this – here’s my placeholder to do a cleaner write up.


[Zoom] – OAUTH – API – PowerShell – Excel

Great Zoom PowerShell module from Joseph McEvoy

Quick and dirty PowerShell to read meeting registrants and values of custom questions.

$ZoomRegistrants = Get-ZoomMeetingRegistrants [meetingid] -pagesize 300

$reghashtable = $zoomregistrants.registrants

$outputs = $reghashtable |foreach-object {
return [pscustomobject]@{
     regtime = “$($_.create_time)”
     email = “$($”
     fname = “$($_.first_name)”
     lname = “$($_.last_name)”
     member = “$($_.custom_questions.value[0])”
     pco = “$($_.custom_questions.value[1])”
     campaign = “$($_.custom_questions.value[2])”

$outputs | convertto-csv