Azure Resource Graph explorer is awesome.
Here’s my running list of useful queries.
Resources, by name, subscription name, resource group and location. Switch out the “where” for the resource type. e.g. microsoft.compute/virtualmachines
| join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type==’microsoft.resources/subscriptions’ | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| where type =~ ‘’
| project name, SubName, resourceGroup, location
Linux machines, including appliance MarketPlace identifiers (i.e. CentOS, SLES, RHEL)
| join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type==’microsoft.resources/subscriptions’ | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| where type =~ ‘Microsoft.compute/virtualmachines’
| where properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType =~ ‘Linux’
| project name, SubName, resourceGroup, location, properties.storageProfile.imageReference.offer
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