by ezs | Jun 24, 2023 | evilzenscientist
Released back in May, this looks to be stable.
Update is (again) super clean:
zypper migration
select the migration target (i.e. SLES 15 SP5), approve the EULA, wait a while.
I’ve been flagging the ease of upgrade for several years. SUSE have this nailed.
Update: except Redis got a tad confused. Needed to get it re-setup to start correctly.
Update again: openSUSE build server saves the day again: Install package openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP5 / php8-redis along with
by ezs | Jul 18, 2020 | evilzenscientist
Should be a simple update with
Read this too:
The legacy HPC modules may need to be uninstalled; otherwise the update throws an error regarding missing products.
by ezs | Jun 28, 2020 | evilzenscientist
I need to look for a “better” solution to PHP and SLES.
I understand the balancing act between long term support, backporting patches etc – and that’s why SLES has been such a good friend.
I’d just love WordPress and other apps to stop griping about older versions of PHP.
by ezs | Apr 1, 2020 | evilzenscientist
Maintenance night – SLES 12 SP5 updates on Azure.
zypper patch-check
zypper migration
Nice and easy.
Side note – if products somehow get unregistered:
zypper pd
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-legacy/12/x86_64
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