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Carbon Neutral flights

Sounds crazy – flying without incurring the cost of CO2 emissions.

However – I found an interesting website that helps calculate the ‘carbon cost’ of flying and the remedy to neutralise that usage.

The example given – for a medium haul flight – is something I do on a weekly basis. For example a round trip from Salt Lake to New York. To counteract this I need to purchase two trees. Or about five trees per month. That’s over fifty trees per year. Ouch.

You can calculate your own impact here.


It’s a long weekend – so fun with servers.

I wanted to replace the Windows 2003 server that hosts my Active Directory and Kerberos pieces – with a newer server running pretty much the same. I ended up using Windows 2003 R2.

Foolishly I assumed that ‘Windows 2003 R2’ == ‘Windows 2003 SP1’ and a few features. Nope.

Classic case of rtfm.

For those that want to do this – make sure you update the Active Directory Schema on the Windows 2003 servers before running dcpromo on the 2003 R2 server. Otherwise you’ll not get anywhere fast – and there is not a lot documented.

Here’s my find:

Update the Active Directory schema on domain controllers. In Windows Server 2003 Active Directory networks, you will need to update the Active Directory schema before:

• Installing Windows Server 2003 R2 on a domain controller.
• Configuring a Windows Server 2003 R2 server to be a domain controller by using the Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe).

To update the schema, on the schema master domain controller, insert Disc 2 and open the command prompt. Then, change to the CmpnentsR2Adprep folder of Disc 2, and type: adprep.exe /forestprep

Right there in the docs. RTFM as I said.

I don’t write code

I’ve had this mantra since university – it keeps me legal and stops me getting into a world of pain with support etc.

That been said – I’ve just debugged, fixed and submited a patch to a problem in a Drupal module. Woo. PHP debugging.

Brokeback Mountain and Utah

Being on the road meant I missed this one.

… the R-rated Western gay romance “Brokeback Mountain” – had been pulled from screens at the MegaPlex 17 at Jordan Commons. Management at the MegaPlex 17 decided late Thursday afternoon not to open “Brokeback Mountain” on Friday as scheduled.

Full details here and here

No reasons given. Any guesses 😉