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Novell public wiki

I am working with my colleague, long-time friend and collaborator Ted Haeger (Reverend Ted) to get some of my content hosted and posted on a Novell community wiki.

Specifically I’ve got two pet projects:
– ZENworks 7 Linux Management how to/lab guide
– ZENworks 7 Desktop Management how to/lab guide

This will be cool to open up to the wider community. Watch this space.

ZLM7 – mirroring from

More snippets from the oft-promised white paper:

This post describes in detail how to mirror content (updates and patches) from Novells update service – contains updates for Novell Linux Desktop, Open Enterprise Server and Novell Linux Small Business Suite.

I hope to publish similar articles in the coming days on how to do this for Red Hat Network (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and YaST Online Update (for straight SUSE Linux Enterprise Server).


ZLM 7 whitepaper


I keep getting other priorities. Sorry to anyone who is waiting.

I’ll post a mindmap of where I am soon – problem is that there are still a lot of questions that I need to get answered on this.

My main pain right now is getting SLES 9 support packs cleanly into ZLM7 – this is driven by a customer request. My other pain is some of the internal workings of ZLM and how to best document that.

Thanks for your continued patience.

ZENworks Server Management

Wow. There has been a flurry of activity with ZENworks Server Management in the last month or so.

Martin Irwin in WorldWide Support built a set of CPKs to deploy ZENworks 6.5 SP2 across your infrastructure; he is now working on delivering this with the standalone CPK engine (think of this as a small part of the ZENworks Server Management subscriber agent) to all customers. That is way cool.

Peter Lambrechtsen in New Zealand has almost finalised a CPK (hopefully soon with the standalone engine) that will let you deploy ZENworks 7 in your network.

All very cool – and showing real savings for customers deploying ZENworks in an enterprise.

Centralised deployment, across hundreds of servers – in hours. Now that’s value.

ZENworks 7 Linux Management

Did you know you can use the imaging in ZLM7 to image Linux and Windows?

Nice solution for a standalone imaging solution if you just want a nearly-smart(*) imaging story. It’s fast, furious and does what I need.

(*) for true smartness use ZENworks 7 with the full policy enablement of imaging.