by ezs | Aug 29, 2024 | evilzenscientist
Today was the end of my experiment with MySQL PaaS in Azure.
To be honest – performance, metrics and security were as described. Private connectivity within the virtual network, horizontal and vertical scaling, great metrics.
I got burned twice.
Once with a “potential bug” that burned $65k of Azure spend in a few hours (that was eventually refunded!), more recently with the Azure portal throwing errors continually.

I’ve exported the data, reimported to an IaaS MySQL/MariaDB instance – and moved on.
by ezs | Jul 1, 2023 | evilzenscientist
As we keep seeing – Azure tag names are not case-sensitive, until they are.
Per the documentation
Tag names are case-insensitive for operations. A tag with a tag name, regardless of the casing, is updated or retrieved. However, the resource provider might keep the casing you provide for the tag name. You’ll see that casing in cost reports.
Tag values are case-sensitive.
Per the now four year old bug, Azure Resource Manager itself should respect this (i.e. case insensitive and case preserving)
Then we get issues with:
CostCenter, Costcenter, costcenter – all being different depending on the tooling in use.
by ezs | Apr 24, 2023 | evilzenscientist
Four re-certifications in the last few days.
I really like the Microsoft model – free to re-certify, keep up to date on the latest areas of technology.
AZ-104, AZ-700, AZ-400, AZ-500 all current again.
If you’re about to re-sit these my top tips: read the exam subject matter, see what changed since you took the last test. Microsoft Learn has training, documentation and guidance – – and you can also revisit learning resources such as John Savills Technical Training.
Open book test, 45 minutes. Bing is your friend.

by ezs | Sep 19, 2022 | evilzenscientist
This blog (and several others) have been Azure hosted, on a monolithic SLES 15 virtual machine for a good few years.
I seem to have done the rounds on various flavours of Azure hosting. App Service with Project Nami, straight IaaS (like today), App Service with WordPress as a Microsoft provided service.
This last weekend I pulled the database out from the various blog VMs and moved that to a PaaS MySQL environment. It’s cheap, burstable, and seems more than performant for what I need. The other cool feature is VNET isolation – so the database engine is only accessible from my infrastructure running in Azure.
by ezs | Mar 17, 2021 | evilzenscientist
You can tell where I’ve been working by the Kusto queries against Azure Resource Graph that I leave behind.
All Azure VNets and subnets, with subnet details:
// get all Azure VNETS and SUBNETS with associated subnets
| join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type==’microsoft.resources/subscriptions’ | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| where type == “”
| mv-expand subs=properties.subnets
| extend subnetname =
| extend subnetprefix=
| extend vnetprefix = substring(tostring(properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes),2,strlen(tostring(properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes))-4)
| project SubName, resourceGroup, name, vnetprefix, subnetname, subnetprefix
| sort by SubName, resourceGroup asc, name
This one for pulling back network security groups and metadata (this was originally at Thomas Balkeståhl’s blog) – tidied up:
| where type =~ “”
| join kind=leftouter (ResourceContainers | where type==’microsoft.resources/subscriptions’ | project SubName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| mv-expand rules=properties.securityRules
| extend direction = tostring(
| extend priority = toint(
| extend description =
| extend destprefix =
| extend destport =
| extend sourceprefix =
| extend sourceport =
| extend subnet_name = split((split(tostring(properties.subnets), ‘/’))[10], ‘”‘)[0]
| project SubName, resourceGroup, subnet_name, name, direction, priority, destprefix, destport, sourceprefix, sourceport, description
| sort by SubName, resourceGroup asc, name, direction asc, priority asc
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