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Behind the scenes at Novell Open Audio

I blogged on Novell Cool Blogs about doing an interview at Novell Open Audio.

The email invitation looked a little like this:

From: openaudio openaudio
To: openaudio openaudio;  Martin Buckley;  Michael Douglas Pearson;  Ted Haeger
Date: 14/Jun/06
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Subject: ZENworks 7 SP1
Place: Podcast Studio, 8th floor behind the mens room

Prep and Interview

The Novell Open Audio Crew


Novell Open Audio – ZENworks 7 SP1 .. and a few other things

Novell Open Audio

I’ll be interviewed by Ted Haeger and Erin Quill tomorrow for Novell Open Audio.

I opened the question list up on Cool Blogs last week – and I’ve got about half a dozen things to cover specifically from the readers of Cool Blogs.

One other request that came in directly to my inbox – – is to ‘go behind the scenes’ at Open Audio. I’ll certainly have my camera and I’ll get some pictures and stories uploaded tomorrow evening. I’ll also have some really crunchy Doritos to pass around..

Written at: Draper, UT

ZENworks on Novell Open Audio

Novell Open Audio

Next week I will be recording a slot for Novell Open Audio on ZENworks 7 Support Pack 1. That’s due for release in the very near future – and I’ll be talking about some of the new platforms we will support and a new feature that we’ll be rolling into the release.

I’ll also take the chance to answer any questions that you post on this blog – so here’s your chance.

Post your ZENworks related questions here – and I’ll select the best ones to answer on Open Audio next week. If you leave your name I’ll even give you a mention.

Looking forward to those questions. Remember – anything goes )

Written at: Draper, UT