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BrainShare 2006 wrap up – and Novell Open Audio at BrainShare


It is the weekend after BrainShare – so I guess it’s going to be pretty slow for most of the Novell Cool Bloggers for a couple of days.

Personally – I had a great time this last week; running with some really entertaining and informative keynotes (Wednesday and Thursday), breakout sessions – as well as analyst and press events.

The highlight as always was meeting with customers and partners – you really are knowlegable, loyal – and remarkably well informed )

One final piece of BrainShare that I need to plug are the ‘from the show floor’ podcasts from Ted Haeger and Novell Open Audio. Take a look here at the list of current short podcasts – Ted and the team seemed to have got behind the scenes and talked to everyone at BrainShare.

Written at: Draper, UT